Terms and Conditions
Following are the terms and conditions of use for the 'New Zealand Rugby Info' and 'World Rugby Info' Web Sites
The user agrees and recognises that:
- These terms and conditions may be updated at any time without notice to you.
- The New Zealand Rugby World Cup Info (http://www.newzealandrugbyinfo.co.nz) and World Rugby Info (http://www.worldrugbyinfo.com) web sites (henceforth called 'the sites'), are operated by Net Action Ltd in conjunction with Great New Zealand (hereinafter jointly referred to as 'NAL/GNZ'). Great New Zealand is a trading division of Net Action Ltd.
- www.newzealandrugbyinfo.co.nz and worldrugbyinfo.com are fully independent, unofficial websites specifically promoting travel and tourism to New Zealand and also providing rugby information to fans. The sites have no connection or affiliation, implied or otherwise, with Rugby World Cup Ltd, Rugby New Zealand 2011 Limited, the New Zealand Rugby Union, the All Blacks, or the International Rugby Board (IRB) or any other official Rugby or Rugby World Cup organisation, or any official travel agent appointed by any of these organisations. All trademarks are property of their respective owners and are used herein for factual descriptive purposes only.
- The sites are accepted by you on an 'as is' basis.
- Any information provided to us by you is accurate, ethical and does not violate any laws or copyrights or contain material which others might consider to be offensive.
- You are the owner of any site submitted by you or that you have the express permission of the site owner to act on their behalf with regard to this site.
- You will endeavour to advise us of any changes to your listing in order to keep information up to date and accurate.
- You will not use this service to attempt to distribute anything malicious such as viruses, trojans, adware or spyware of any sort. Your site must not use free "advertising popups".
- NAL/GNZ reserves the right to refuse a listing without reason, or to withdraw a listing at any time without notice, particularly if any of these terms and conditions are breached.
- NAL/GNZ may change the web sites at any time as they see fit, for any reason. This may include, but is not limited to, changes to the look and feel of the sites, domain names, or the content, branding and structure.
- NAL/GNZ will not be required to advise you of changes to the sites or your listing if these are made.
- All listings and information in the directories and web sites are copyright to NAL/GNZ.
- NAL/GNZ makes no guarantees about how much traffic might be received by listing sites by way of referrals from the sites.
- NAL/GNZ will not be in any way liable for any discrepancy, misrepresentation or error in any of the information provided on the sites.
- NAL/GNZ will not be in any way responsible for any discrepancy, misrepresentation or error on any site linked from the directories and web site, nor for the lack of performance or any other problems that may be encountered with the operators of any of the sites listed or linked from our sites. Users of the information should make their own enquiries to ensure that any information provided by other sites is accurate, reliable and suitable for their purposes.
- Paid listings options on the sites may be changed at any time without notice to you. Where this happens, NAL/GNZ will change your paid listing to one of equivalent or higher value, or offer you an upgrade option, or make a discretionary pro-rata refund as per the refund policy below.
- NAL/GNZ requires that you provide a valid enduring email address with your listing in order that we can correspond with you regarding your listing, or so we can keep you up to date with site developments if we wish. This must be the email address directly related to the website, not that of the person submitting the site, such as developers or web marketing companies. By submitting your site to us, you are expressly agreeing to be on our email list. If you do not wish to receive emails from us regarding the sites, you must not submit or list your site with us.
- The email address provided by you will be the primary way in which NAL/GNZ will communicate with you. If this changes you should advise us of the change. NAL/GNZ will not be responsible if an email is sent to you but not received by you for any reason.
- NAL/GNZ will take all measures it sees fit in order to protect your email address and personal information. However NAL/GNZ will not be responsible for the acquisition of your details by any third party without NAL/GNZ's knowledge.
- NAL/GNZ will not on sell or distribute your email address to any other party for any reason other than if the database is sold to another party for the purpose of continuing as a listing directory. In this case we will advise you at the email address we have for you and give you the option to remove your listing and email address from the database. NAL/GNZ may email you from time to time to advise you of listing options and other information relevant to the directories, or any other directory or web site operated by GNZ, NAL, or their strategic partners.
- NAL/GNZ will use its best efforts to maintain this service but makes no guarantees or warranties about its fitness for any particular purpose, or the long term direction or structure of the sites.
- NAL/GNZ will use its best efforts to minimise any down time of the sites due to hosting or other internet connectivity issues. Due to the nature of the internet, no guarantees are made of 100% uptime, although that is the target..
- NAL/GNZ will take whatever technical measures deemed necessary to try to ensure that the sites deliver "real visitors" to listings, by endeavoring to maintain good Search Engine rankings and traffic to the sites. The sites are not "link farms"
- Payment for a listing, or completion of any submission procedures on the sites deems that you have accepted these terms and conditions.
- Where you request a paid listing and fail to advise us that you no longer want it, and do not pay, we will mark you as a bad debtor. We will delete any free or paid listings you have with us and will not add your sites to any sites operated by NAL/GNZ in the future.
- Great New Zealand, Great New Zealand Travel Guide, Destination New Zealand Travel Directory and New Zealand Rugby Traveller are trademarks of NAL/GNZ - all rights reserved.
Refund Policy
NAL/GNZ will only issue a refund for paid listings in the following circumstances
- Where you are dissatisfied with your listing in the directories and you request a refund by email within 14 days of the listing being activated.
- Where NAL/GNZ changes the web sites to the extent that it deems that subscribers are no longer getting the same or greater value from their paid listing. In this case NAL/GNZ may, at their discretion, make a pro-rata refund based on the invoiced price and subscription period remaining for the paid listing. Alternatively, NAL/GNZ may provide a listing of similar or higher value on another relevant website.
Newsletter and Privacy Policy
- NAL/GNZ will not knowingly provide your email address ar any other information about you to any other party other than as stated in point 20 above.
- NAL/GNZ will send newsletters in a format and frequency determined on an "as information is available" basis. No guarantees are made about the frequency or content of these. A limited amount of advertising may be included.
- If you subscribe to our newsletter, you may unsubscribe freely at any time, by using any unsubscribe links, or by visiting the subscribers page on the sites. A confirmation email may need to be responded to in order to complete your unsubscription.